August 19, 2008

Many are the plans…

Posted in Seminary tagged , , , at 2:14 pm by timin525

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

When I was eight years old a missionary family from the International Mission Board came to our church to speak to us about international missions (it was called foreign missions back then). They were serving in Brazil. I don’t remember much of what they said, but I do remember having an overwhelming sense of God telling me that I would do that some day. In my mind (I like to plan everything out well in advance, you see) I would marry the missionaries’ son and we would be missionaries together. But I was only eight and I never saw little Dan Hall again. But I also never forgot what God did in my heart that day.

As the verse above says, “many are the plans of a man’s heart.” As time went on, I made my own plans. I figured I could work God’s call to missions/ministry around my life and plans. I would marry, have a family, make a home, volunteer in the church, etc. All honorable things. And I have done that. I am married to a godly man, have three beautiful little girls, have a nice home with 1/2 acre near family, and work in the church.

“But it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” I have the things that I want, planned and worked for, but they are not enough. I have a sense of wanting more, not because what I have is not good, but because God has a bigger plan for my life. The call He placed on my life as a child cannot be buried and forgotten.

Strangely enough (but not really strange, because it is the Lord at work), Tim has been sensing God’s call on his life as well. In fact, he is ready to leave his job, sell our home and move to another state in order to pursue God’s call on his life to ministry. And I am ready to follow. Tim telling me that he felt a call to ministry was like opening a door to a whole new world of possibilities. I was not/am not unhappy living my life the way I have planned. We have it pretty good, actually. But I know that following God’s call on our life will be so much more satisfying than following our own desires, even if some of our temporal satisfactions are removed.

Isn’t it neat?! That is a Tim expression. We work sooooo hard to make things happen. And we even succeed sometimes. But if it is not the will of God, he will make those “good” things we have achieved unsatisfaying. The things the world loves to consume will leave a bad taste in our mouths.

I have said all of this to say, Tim and I are preparing to follow God’s call on our life. We are in the process of getting our house on the market. We are moving to Cordova, TN so that Tim can attend Mid-America Baptist Teological Seminary to pursue a Master of Divinity. We are excited. So many things have to come together that the hand of God will have to be in it for it to happen. It will be “neat” to see God at work in our lives. I don’t want to do it any other way. If it is not the Lord’s will, I don’t want it. I have tried to make my own plans, and I am ready for the Lord to take over. I want His purpose to prevail in our life!


  1. Jenny L said,

    Wow, I had no idea. That is so exciting! Congratulations! You are in a great spot of trusting that God will do what he’s called you to, in the way he wants you to do it. I have the same struggle with creating habits.

  2. Julie Potter said,

    Wow! That is amazing Mindy! I am excited to see what God will do through you and Tim!

  3. Dawna said,

    I am so happy for you and your family. It’s a big step but with God helping you everything will be just perfect! I wish you, Tim, and the girls the best and safe travels when you come back to visit. We jsut might have to change and start having Christmas in July so we know that the roads will be clear from snow!!! lol Take care.

  4. Coleen said,

    Hey Tim & Mindy!

    We are praying for you as God brings you to a new place of ministry and service. It is always exciting to see Him work so mightily in our lives. It is amazing when He fills us with those “new” desires and brings about a longing that can only be filled by following His will. Personally, remembering back to when the Halls came and talking with you then about serving as a missionary, it is pretty cool for me to see those little girl plans coming to fruition. Love you lots. Coleen

  5. Amy McMillan said,

    We are so excited for you!! It’s going to be a mighty adventure, that’s for sure. You know, joining Aaron in ministry perfected God’s calling on my life. I, like you, was certain I was supposed to be in the ministry, but it was never totally clear until this amazing man in my life felt that call too. We sure have had some tough times along the way, but imagine going through that alone! God is so wonderful, and I consider it a mighty priviledge to follow His calling alongside the man I love. Congratulations to you two. I can’t wait to see what God does!!!

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